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Introducing: A Darkness Awakens (Elements of Ilysia: Volume One)

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

Happy Saturday and happy March!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog that wasn’t a part of the #IWSG blog hop, but what better way to jump back in than to be able to promote a new book release!

I’d like to introduce you to Helena Lancaster, a fellow South Carolina writer, and her new fantasy series Elements of Ilysia. The first installment, A Darkness Awakens, just had its book birthday!

Look at this beautiful cover! Alluring and mysterious. Looking at it makes me feel like I’ve been dropped in the middle of a dark fairy tale, and I want to be there.


This is Helena’s first solo novel. Previously, she’s released two collections of poetry, Behind the Mask: A Collection of Poetry and Phoenix from the Ashes: Poetry from Personal Struggle, Rebirth, and Triumph. She also co-writes The Passion of the Dragon Saga along with her best friend, Rayna Kingston. This series currently has two books available, with a third debuting on July 24, 2018.

A Darkness Awakens is the first installment in the YA Epic Fantasy series The Elements of Ilysia set in the worlds of Ilysia and Corinthia where a Resistance leads a fight against the Dark Empress of Ilysia, formerly known as the Queen of the Dark Fae. One seventeen-year-old girl with a destiny predicted centuries before her birth will hold the power to lead one side or the other to victory that will eternally decide the future of Ilysia and all of its people. The line between those that are loyal to the Empress and the Resistance that opposes her has been drawn. They will all soon experience betrayal within their own ranks as a group of young adults on both sides of the fight will learn that they all have a large role to play in the looming conflict over their magical homeland. War is brewing and the fate of an entire world is at stake

If you visit Helena’s blog, you will find entries detailing the different species found in the series–including vampires, elves, witches, and fae–and their fascinating relationships.

You can also find Helena on WordPressTumblr, Twitter, Instagram (@HelenaLwrites), Facebook, and Snapchat (leiafaewriter).

A Darkness Awakens (Elements of Ilysia Volume One) is 277 pages and is available on Amazon in Paperback for $12.00 and on Kindle for $3.99. It is also available through Kindle Unlimited for free.

Congratulations to Helena Lancaster on her debut solo novel! If you enjoy YA epic fantasy that transports you to another realm, consider picking up a copy today!


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